Friday 30 November 2012

hopeless Romantic

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale! As a hopeless romantic at heart, I still believe in fairytales... where dancing, magic carpets and romantic kisses happen magically in the moonlight. Where every princess finds her prince, Kate Middleton is a perfect example.  All fairytales take time, so there is no need to rush from one frog to another. Just keep believing that you will find your Prince Charming because the happy ending only happen on the last page.


Love is perseverance, it is unconditional and timeless... As a modern woman having patience doesn't mean you have to wait around for magic, make your own and make the first move. Jane from Tarzan, is a clear example of how sometimes it is necessary to make the first move. If it is Prince Charming that you are looking for, it is important to remember that everyone has imperfections. Love is finding those imperfections to be perfection. Every day a fairytale can be made, where REAL MEN...
In the End they found each other and lived Happily ever After...  
<3 G

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