Wednesday 5 December 2012

Women Problems

Women have fragile hearts and in the age of Independent Woman, being needy is not sexy! What is sexy? Confidence, Independence and keeping him on his toes, so that he keeps running after you... I guess with New Age Men, there is a need to be a twenty-first century woman! Regardless of who you are, when you fall in love, what obstacles you face, at some point we all face the same challenges. These are problems, we laugh about when we relate with other women's stories, because at times it feels like we are listening to ourselves. These problems, are merely challenges to overcome and grow from.  It is okay to allow yourself to be needy and vulnerable, but its also necessary to be considerate and put yourself in his shoes. 

Regarding keeping him on his toes, sometimes you should just let go and allow him to lead.The truth about independent women, is that we love to take control of the situation but there are times you just need to relax your beautiful self and take the back seat. He is perfectly capable of opening the door, and finding a restaurant to wine and dine you. However, you don't have to wait around forever, if you want something just go get it. With that said said don't be too hasty and allow him to have the opportunity to surprise you. In the meantime just enjoy the beauty around you, by finding love in ordinary things...
we all know who really is the Boss 
<3 G

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