Sunday 23 September 2012

My Signature hairstyle...

Colour, Cut and restyle are things women do when they need some change in their life. A new hairstyle always makes one feel fabulous, except when you regret cutting those long locks off. However that feeling when you have just come from the hairdresser, with a fresh hair cut has a sparkling effect... I always cut my hair when I feel change is needed. Throughout my life I have realized that there are 3 things that make up my signature style, which I inevitably always come back to...

1. Long Hair,

2. BANGS and

3. Clipping my hair back in the same style.
These 3 things have become automatic in my nature, its like being drawn back to the familiar since it was my mother, who initially chose this style for me. Long hair seems to suit me best, except in Winter I dread the over usage of the damaging hairdryer. 

When my hair is wet I clip it up in the same way to dry. As a permanent student I can not stand hair in my face so when studying its automatic to clip it up. There will always be a hair clip in my bag! On an evening out I find myself clipping my hair up for a more sophisticated and elegant touch...
BANGS, I had them as a kiddo, throughout my teens and up until my 2nd year at Uni. My  face always feels like something is missing. I have not had them in ages but I am always contemplating should I or should I not cut me some bangs???
As I continue to grow my hair changes with different variations of my own signature style...

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