Thursday 27 September 2012

I don't do fashion, I AM fashion

This morning as I picked up my perfume, I thought of when Coco Chanel proclaimed that, "A Woman who deoesn't wear perfume has no future".I might have to be worried then because I usually forget. However every women does need a signature scent, like cinnamon or something fresh that can be smelt in the air...
Whatever you choose to complement your skin, your presence should be smelt before you walk in a room.. Coco Chanel's  words of wisdom established a mantra for a handful of women, revolutionising the concept of femininity in the mid-20th century.
She established this mantra in one line when she proclaimed,

I don't do fashion, I am fashion. 

Coco Chanel 

French Fashion designer Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel (1883 – 1971) embodied elegance, gracing fashion lovers with her everlasting style, as founder of the Chanel brand. Chanel was "the only fashion deisgner to appear on Time Magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century." She has been acknowledged along with Paul Poiret, as liberators of women from the "corseted silhouette" constraints. Chanel’s influence and design aesthetic has extended beyond creating comfortable clothing for women to jewelry, handbags, and fragrances. The 1923 Chanel suit and handbag are must haves for todays generation.
The iconic fragrance, Chanel No. 5 her signature scent is the best selling fragrance globally. I once received it as a gift and gave it away immediately because it is the perfume of a sophisticated working woman, not a young girl. So when I put my lawyer pants on, you know what I'll be wearing... 

 Marilyn Monroe in an interview was asked,  “with whom you go to bed every night?” she said: “With two drops of Chanel No. 5 ‘.

To some she is a controversial figure with her bobbed hair, financial independence, single statues, smoking, bright red lips and outspoken manner but then again most powerful women generally are regarded with some uncertainty  when they don't conform to stereotypes.

Chanel rose above her humble origins of an orphan to Haute Couture designer and working throughout her life "unremittingly as both craftsman and business woman, imposing her personal conception of the art of dressing upon an ever-increasing clientele." 
She tried to teach women that: 

She introduced the legendary Chanel LBD, which was compared to the Ford due to its universal popularity as a MUST have fashion basic in the American Vogue during 1926. The little black dress continues to be a staple for day and evening wear, seasonally.
Since 1983 Karl Lagerfeld continues the legacy that Coco Chanel left behind of timeless designs, trademark suits, and little black dresses, that are still worn my many women and as Coco Chanel once said:  "Fashion fades, only style remains the same."

Channel embodied class, with her iconic style  and lifestyle reflecting her  ideas of how modern women should look, act and dress,by successfully "packaging and marketing her own personal attitudes and style, as a key influence of women's taste throughout the twentieth century."  I think women should insipre to embody the mantra of Chanel in that: "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."
Other fashion icons and designers have been inspired by this mantra and communicated similiar ideals of a love for fashion, style and elegance...

Remember to not just do but BE FASHION
 <3 G

Sunday 23 September 2012

My Signature hairstyle...

Colour, Cut and restyle are things women do when they need some change in their life. A new hairstyle always makes one feel fabulous, except when you regret cutting those long locks off. However that feeling when you have just come from the hairdresser, with a fresh hair cut has a sparkling effect... I always cut my hair when I feel change is needed. Throughout my life I have realized that there are 3 things that make up my signature style, which I inevitably always come back to...

1. Long Hair,

2. BANGS and

3. Clipping my hair back in the same style.
These 3 things have become automatic in my nature, its like being drawn back to the familiar since it was my mother, who initially chose this style for me. Long hair seems to suit me best, except in Winter I dread the over usage of the damaging hairdryer. 

When my hair is wet I clip it up in the same way to dry. As a permanent student I can not stand hair in my face so when studying its automatic to clip it up. There will always be a hair clip in my bag! On an evening out I find myself clipping my hair up for a more sophisticated and elegant touch...
BANGS, I had them as a kiddo, throughout my teens and up until my 2nd year at Uni. My  face always feels like something is missing. I have not had them in ages but I am always contemplating should I or should I not cut me some bangs???
As I continue to grow my hair changes with different variations of my own signature style...

Thursday 20 September 2012

He loves me he loves me not...

The greatest authors, musicians, poets and philosophers have all engaged in the topic of LOVE. There is such a fine line between love and hate, I think we should always try to put a little love rather then hate in everything we do...
So I think its time to share a little love because we all need it from time to time. We live in a world, where we sometimes forget that we are the MASTERS of our own destiny...
and that Life is about CHOICE!
If you have read the POWER OF ONE you would know so well about this power of choice, and if you haven't I suggest you do!
The road is never easy when finding oneself but the problems that occur should be referred to as Challenges- because ultimately they will be overcome, with patience and perseverance.
So when life gets overwhelming, take a step back, reflect and remember first with the head and then with the heart...
Reflect by trying to see the beauty in your circumstance or surroundings, beauty can be found in the most surprising places at time.

Always acknowledge and appreciate those around you, life is short so don't take it for granted. I know things get busy and we can forget the small things... even a smile can be enough acknowledgement. Remember smiles are like yawns, they are contagious so SMILE at every opportunity...
STOP searching for something be content with yourself as Rumi says:
"You suppose you are the trouble
But you are the cure
You suppose that you are the lock on the door
But you are the key that opens it
It's too bad that you want to be someone else
You don't see your own face, your own beauty
Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours."

As I always find solace in reading the words of Rumi, I thought I would share a few quotes that have made me smile, given me peace and reflected my own feelings.

"If your guidance is your ego, don't rely on luck for help. you sleep during the day and the nights are short. By the time you wake up your life may be over."-  I think this means we should be consistent in life, by always striving to be better and not watching life pass by.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." 
- if this is my task then it is clear that it is necessary that as an ode to <3 RJ, in 
reflection of all the above I will try to love without fear, trust without wondering, love you without restrictions, want without demand and accept you for who you are.
As Rumi clearly put it 
“the minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.”

So in everything you do give and show love because outward manifestations will bring the same light and love in return. Remember to always acknowledge your loved ones, appreciate their presence. Smile at everyone, because that can be your good deed for the day...
 Master your own destiny and choose to be happy  first with the head and then with the heart.....
<3 G

Heejab Fashion Show Summer 2013

I have been to busy to share this delight but I could not wait any longer... UCT MSA hosted there first ever Heejab FASHION SHOW!!!!
I have worked at Cape Town Fashion Week, helped new designers launch their brands, and have only worked on a few shows relating to Islamic fashion this was an amazing opportunity...
There were three designers that show cased there perceptions of MODEST beauty. It was beautiful to see the diversity within CAPE Towns Islamic FASHION. I loved the designers simplistic styles, bright colours and the incorporation of West meets East. Colour blocking was the dominant trend by all three designers, perfect for Summer.  Curly Locks my neglected brand had the opportunity to showcase our Headscarf styling,Curly Locks jewelry, Make up and of course photography abilities. I would like to thank Haajer kader for her assistance she was a real Super STAR...I worked closely with NECESSITIESsourcing scarfs from them and styling headgear for the designers of NAKAU Collections and DRESS CODE. These two brands have completely different styles, which was really fun and at times challenging, but thankfully NECESSITIES provided us with a wide variety to choose from.

 Curly Locks Styling for DRESS CODE
Step1: Chose a Scarf. I Chose a long multicolored scarf that blended into different earthy tones. The earthy shades mixed with big brown beads and a Curly Locks original clip on earrings, which added some boho chic to the evening dress. 
Step2: Once scarf is placed on firmly, I twisted the layers around her bun, similar to a turban style. Hair grips may be added to keep the scarf in place. I chose an extremely long scarf to add volume to the turban. Instead of completely twirling the scarf I put the rest of the scarf on her left shoulder to hang loosely.
Step 3: It always important to make sure that the scarf is tight enough and wont slide off, so that the wearer feels comfortable. The look is thus complete indicating how one can turn evening wear more casual by adding a jacket, cotton earthy toned scarf and wooden beads
Above gold and pink are used as a base creating some volume. The top layer is a printed floral scarf draped in a traditional Cape Malay style.
Curly Locks Styling for NAKAU 
I used  a plain yellow cotton scarf as my base to give stability and added a blue animal print scarf, which I platted in to the yellow. These animal print scarves are sold 3 for R100 and come in pinks, white, blacks, purples and blue.
I used a pure Black Turkish pashmina(R60 each, two for R100) as my base. To add some colour I intertwined the pashmina with a plain long orange scarf and a chiffon neon green(Long scarves R40 each). Below I applied the same method with maroons and gold, but alternatively I placed a gold pashmina loosely around the turban.

The  first scarf below is square Turkish silk scarf (R85 each, two for R120), that was draped as a Turban. The other two styles are examples of how long scarves can be used as headbands. Adding more then one long scarf (R40 each) with fun twists and plats to create a layered headband, for a fun beach day or just to add some boho chic.


It was the first time that Shamiela Omar and Radiyah Chikte showcased their designs. They dressed these lovely ladies in an array of long dresses, skirts and well fitted tops. Layers of fabric with elements of lace and printed fabrics were incorporated into each garment. 
I love the details, short jackets, waistcoats and pops of colours that were added with accessories. Such as the tiny belts, jewelry and MUST have bright wedges that could be seen as these ladies walked the catwalk. Layers of scarves were draped on each model, predominately long scarves in bright colours and Turkish printed silk scarves with animal prints, geometric, floral and mixed prints. These scarves are sold at R85 each but are on special, two for R120. A real deal as prints are big this summer and look fabulous with colour blocking.

This outfit is elegant and timeless, reflecting the DRESS CODE mantra of creating Islamic evening wear for all women...

I added boho head wear with Curly Locks beads and earrings(R40) to this outfit. The crowd went crazy when this young lady walked in. The pop of orange in her ring and wedged shoe brought youthful elements to this classic green evening dress. The cropped white jacket  definitely a Summer MUST have.

This white long dress with textured fabric is stunning for a summer evening. Any pops of colour merely add a little extra flare to the already perfect dress. Here hot pink wedges, a pink chiffon scarf(R40) was intertwined with another bright colour. The animal print scarf gave the look a little something feisty. Below a black pashmina was loosely draped around her neck with layered black scarf underneath a silk print from Necessities.

Designers Nazeema and Kauthar Noor. These lovely ladies love to play with colour, mixing and matching prints. This can be seen in their entire collection, especially in the designer Kauthars outfit. I want those pants. There collection contains long flowy skirts that are a MUST have for Summer. Worn with either a silk blouse to dress up the outfit or a Cotton shirt, for a more boho casual appeal. Colour Blocking is used not only in their clothing, but also added in their accessories with cute leather bags. The models had big statement jewelry, which stood out against the bright  array of colours.

The Nakau philosophy of fun, colour and style was matched well with my Curly Locks headgear, styling plats and layered scarves reflecting their chic modern modesty, an  inspiration for this Summer... The diversity of Nakau provides for the needs of all women, with their Heejab cloaks in maroon and beige, that can be worn at any time. The lavish, long silk dresses underneath perfect evening wear. These young designers even offer Islamic Bridal abayas on the bottom left, which is a refreshing and unique approach to bridal wear.

For more information on the bridal abayas, ladies clothing or caftans contact Nazeema Noor at +27  76 865 2489 or email at
For information on Necessities scarves contact me at or visit there stores in Ottery.

The evening was wonderful, the MSA TEAM hosted a great show, the venue was decorated beautifully, an abundance of food and drinks, with beautiful women and clothing, the guests were beautifully dressed in high fashion displaying their inner Fashionista.
This lovely lady in the audience stood out with her clear sense of Islamic fashion, her modest dressing reflecting her usage of colour blocking. Loved her outfit, long skirts are definitely a must have this summer. The nature of the skirt elongating the figure. I think I might own a pair of those pumps. True Fashionistas are not afraid to step out from the crowd and stand out... There is big difference between trend setters like NAKAU and fashion followers. Do not merely choose to follow trends, identify your own style.. Mix and Match, get creative because it is better to be extraordinary... 
Define your own style
<3 G