Sunday 23 June 2013

Celebrate the 20's in style

Every action has a consequence, some we foresee. While others are lost to us in the moment. The BIG question is will the person you want to become, be okay with what you are doing right now. Sure it is okay to live for the moment, make as many memories and mistakes but don't forget to learn along the way. Learn so you don't repeat the same mistakes, learn so that you can be in control of who you want to be and are not defined by your actions later in life. Sometimes the only way to learn is by taking a step away from ourselves and just observing. I haven't blogged in ages for that very reason. Some time was needed to reevaluate and redefine exactly what is needed Life has really just begun and in order to really enjoy life, you need to realise that your twenties are a period of slave labour, holding onto everlasting friendships, fast pace moving, unforgettable parties, stolen kisses and never giving up on your dreams. Celebrate your 20's in style and always...
1. Dream Big
Anything is possible, so to become your very own success story, start by visualising the bigger picture. Set long and short term goals, focus your mind and energy towards achieving them. Don't sit back because ONLY you can make it happen. Don't get distracted by enjoying right now. If you work hard, believe and make time for what you need to do, you are half way there.
2. Be the BOSS

The bigger you dream, the harder you will have to work and the tougher your choices will become. The ladder to the top will be challenging. Take each challenge as an obstacle that will help you grow into a stronger person. Choose to be the master of your own destiny and take control, nothing in life comes easy. Unless you are born into wealth or royalty, which is pretty much the same thing today. Don't ever be a second rate version of yourself, be in control and know that the power lies in the way you choose to see life.

3.Eat from the fruit of ambition

Eve may have mistakenly eaten forbidden fruit. However, success is the most tastiest thing required for a healthy diet and the most sexiest trait a person may posses is ambition. Determination, ambition and success go hand in hand. People dream of fat bank accounts, changing the world or just living on a permanent holiday- a life without purpose is very empty. Purpose is needed to move forward, so be ambitious and don't look back- only forward from here on.

4. Live without regret
We all have different morals and values defining our lingering thoughts. These thoughts make us different. If there is any doubt, your heart is giving you that uneasy feeling for a reason. Your mind might be trying to logically make it okay but if it feels wrong then don't do it. It is like when you are uncertain about a pair of shoes, if there is any doubt don't buy it, you probably will never wear it.

5. Life will humble you...  
The only way to move forward is to always carry a light heart, you don't need anything weighing you down. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and forgive others. I promise you will always feel better.

6.make friends not war 
As children we are taught to share. This lesson moulds how we interact with others. In life you will interact with many different people. You do not have to be besties with every person but kindness will go along way. A smile and simple hello will lighten the mood and eliminate any preconceived misconceptions. In the working world you will realise that when it comes to being selected for that promotion, these social skills will either break or make you. The person who appeared to be the smartest, most hardworking and had the full package at uni will be on the same playing field as you. Your ability to stand out and be most liked amongst your colleagues, will be based on a combination of working ethos and social skills. Remember you do not want to be the one dancing on tables at office parties.

7.Save your Monies

Stop breaking open the piggy bank each time you go to Town. All those fancy dinners and designer clothing may be fabulous but can you really afford it. Buying meaningless things for instant satisfaction, it doesn't create happiness. I learnt this lesson fast, being the only student amongst my employed friends. I would be completely broke half way through the month- I need to survive till pay day. Trying to keep up with their pace was ridiculous, they can afford to live the dream. This lesson was one of life's essentials to stop living only for right now and save for what I really want in my future.

8. La Familia
Appreciate the people that stand by your side, when you have no money and life is a little dull. Family and true friends that you collect along the way, will stand by your side through every hardship. Don't get too big headed to remember the small people. You will only truly appreciate life when you are able to show gratitude. So when you are living the good life, remember the people that stood by your side. Show love, appreciation and share your success with them because this will give you the greatest joy.

9.fall in love...
Fall in love everyday with beautiful things the world has to offer. Romantic ideals and fairy tales are wonderful bedtime stories. However, your twenties are for you and you alone. You need to be a little selfish, so that all the things you are working for and towards can really be enjoyed when the time is right. So stop looking for Mr or Miss Right now. Love will happen when you are ready and not when you want it.

10.Be every man or womens dream

Beauty is in the eye of the holder, therefore perfection can not exist in magazines. Perfect is taking time to mould yourself into flawlessly reflecting what you see as your true self. This is not a skinny dreamer with long legs or a perfect nose. It's the mind, soul, body and of course the perfect wardrobe that you have control over. Have a clear mind by finding peace, a pure soul with constant nourishment, a beautiful body by taking care and never neglecting yourself. These appear to be simple but it means making effort, so that you can always be the best version of yourself, even when wearing sweatpants.

11. Travel the world
Life is about making memories. So walk the streets of the worlds fashion capitals-London, Milan and New york, get lots in the bazaars and mosques of Istanbul, ride a camel in the desserts of the emirates, lay on the beaches of Thailand, ride a gondola in the sinking city, climb Mount Everest and drive along the Capes coast. Go around the world, explore the cultures and embrace the diversity the world has to offer. I can truly thank my father for the gift of travel, it enriches your soul. If you are not by the means start small and don't ever stop.

12.Class is permanent and form is temporary

Avoid gossip and back biting at all costs. Speak when you have something to say, never do it with the intent to hurt. Make sure your voice is heard but never at the cost of others because tantrums are for toddlers. Be honest and approachable. Growing up requires you to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Don't get caught up in gossip and politics, just walk away. Things have a way of getting out so be professional in every sphere of your life.
13. Don't get comfortable
This is not the time to settle into your comfort zone, you need to be adaptable and ready for change. Take a break to breath and self reflect. Please do not think that you are entitled to an actual break from hard work. Life has just begun and this steam engine has no stops, you need to just keep moving forward. Life won't stop for you, so don't take detours that will distract from reaching your dreams.

So as part of celebrating my twenties I want to share life lessons, from my love affair with life and all its complexities, involving light hearted fashion and inspirational trendsetters. I won't be blogging under Turkish delight any longer, expect some change as part of my own self-growth and means to embrace the twenties in style...
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<3 G

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