Friday 12 October 2012

Exams 101

I just reached over a 1000 hits and felt the need to show my appreciation, celebrate and share a little more... but as law school EXAMS are almost here I have to keep it short and sweet! THANK YOU to those supporting my adventures, and I hope you will continue to follow me along my journey... 
As its exam time for most, I thought it would be appropriate to share my mantra for kicking ass in exams. 
EXAMS 101:
1. PLAN a timetable and stick to it! you only have yourself to answer to, so DON'T fool yourself.
2. Avoid Procrastination- especially social networks and series.
3. Dedication is the key to success, as life is all about hard work- so apply yourself!
4. Stay Motivated  and FOCUSED with your End GOAL in mind...
5. Life is about BALANCE- it is only a month of sacrifice, take reasonable breaks when studying, exercise and eat healthy.
Remember to breath and keep calm, the stress and pressure can be overwhelming but don't allow it to control you. Master you own destiny, make the years hard work and effort pay off.  I try to follow these simple steps to help me survive exams, I hope they will help you. These steps are not only for exams, they are life lessons that mould you in to an individual, who can deal with "real/ working world" pressures. A bonus, as students we are rewarded by vacation, three months of lazy days are awaiting my fellow UCT Student, so give it your all and have no regrets!!!
Stay Focused and be the Master of your own destiny...
<3 G

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